He is the former extraordinary commissioner for the expenditure review, appointed by the Italian government, from October 2013 to November 2014, and currently director of the new Observatory on public accounts of the Catholic University of Milan. Carlo Cottarelli, committed to the International Monetary Fund since 1988, presents his book “Chimere. Dreams and failures of the economy” (Feltrinelli publisher).

The event, sponsored by the Municipality of Porto Torres and organized by Lìberos in collaboration with the Koinè bookshop, is scheduled for Friday 25 August at 6.30 pm at the Antiquarium Turritano national museum.

Cottarelli speaks in his book of the seven great dreams imagined and realized by visionary reformists, men and women with the will to change the world. From the libertarian dream of cryptocurrencies to the technocratic one of central bank independence, the financialisation of the economic system, the abolition of toil through technology, globalization and a world without barriers, the illusion of infinite growth and the idea that , by cutting taxes on the rich, everyone will be better off, as with the flat tax. The author will dialogue with Gianni Garrucciu.

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