Carbonia, thanks to the Amici della Miniera association, today recalled a tragic event that took place exactly 83 years ago: it was March 31, 1939 when 9 miners died due to an explosion of coal dust in the Serbariu mine (Luigi Cappellaci, Luigi Verboni, Raffaele Puggioni, Giommaria Addis, Dario Folegnami, Mario Scaletti, Domenico Tonelli, Francesco Mastrosimone, Giovanni Sachet).

"The commemoration ceremony - underlined Mario Zara, president of Amici della Miniera - honored the memory of the workers for what was the third most serious mining accident ever in Sardinia".

A disaster that the authorities of the time kept under a rigorous silence. A floral tribute was thus placed in front of the memorial stone in Via Costituente, on the pavement of the Intermodal Center in the square named after Pietro Cocco, the coal miner mayor. Weapons associations and guides from the coal museum also participated.

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