Sold out at the Carbonia coal museum which once again this year took part in the historic international event "Night of the Museums".

Two proposals were offered to visitors and on both occasions the public liked it so much that the organizers were forced to close the reservations earlier than expected , in order to reach the maximum number of places available.

The "night" began with a theatrical visit, where the actors and actresses of the Arci club "il Calderone" in Sant'Antioco brought back to mind some glimpses of daily life in the early Carbonia.

Two miners, two sorters, a doctor and an engineer guided the public inside the old lamp factory , now the museum, giving them the opportunity not only to see the lamp maker's desk, the infirmary, the lockers, the shower room and much more but also to immerse oneself in what were the living conditions in the first years of the mining epic . Immediately afterwards the visitors, divided into two shifts, moved on for the guided tours underground.

The visits were in the dark with the only aid of small helmet torches. Also in this case the enthusiastic and fascinated visitors were able to relive the sensations they felt dozens and dozens of years ago when they went down the tunnel. Great satisfaction on the part of the museum operators who say they are already ready to propose new nocturnal visits again soon , perhaps taking advantage of the summer and the many foreign visitors present in the area.

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