A touching ceremony with even a few tears.

In the Council room of the Municipality of Cabras, the Cagliari section of Fidapa personally presented the Ninetta Bartoli award , the first mayor of Italy elected in Sardinia, in Borutta, in 1946, to Michela Murgia's mother, Costanza Marongiu .

«Fidapa, as an opinion movement, with the “Ninetta Bartoli Award” this year wants to focus attention on the fragilities present in our communities but wants to see them as strength and Michela Murgia has certainly launched a courageous message of continuous search for new spaces of social sustainability to welcome, understand and include everyone, especially the most fragile, beyond any stereotype", stated President Ida Gasperini present in Cabras.

«Michela probed the fragility - said mother Costanza instead - and broke it down and managed to find the strength. She left a trace that needs to be developed, a crowd of aware women."

Present for the administration were the mayor Andrea Abis and the councilors Laura Celletti and Enrico Giordano. For Fidapa, in addition to president Gasperini, the vice president Maria Laura Deidda and Liana Bilardi, former president of the Federation, participated.

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