Bread & Bakers of Italy from Gambero Rosso: there are 13 of the best bakeries in Sardinia. One less than last year.

The scepter goes once again to PBread Natural Bakery of Cagliari which wins back the "Tre Pani", the highest recognition.

Sardinia, then, stands out with another twelve establishments: 9 awarded with "Due Pani", three with "Un Pane".

«Stefano Pibi has revolutionized his life and the proposal linked to bread-making in the city, through modern products, but at the same time with ancient roots, bringing innovation, without ever betraying local typicality and traditions», reads the presentation sheet of the Pbread.

There are nine Sardinian bakeries that confirm the "Due Breads", last year there were ten: Artisan wood-fired ovens "Su Civraxiu" by Castiadas; Sa Moddixia of Genuri; Gonnosfanadiga gate; Stagnin of Carloforte; Joys of Iglesias; Anticas Licanzias of Nuoro; Tundu of Oliena; Nino Vacca of Oristano; Kenthos of Orroli.

The Marteddu Brothers of San Vito conquer "Un Pane"; Salvatore Fancellu of Montresta and Damarò in Cagliari. (Unioneonline)

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