A young man from Seneghe, Paolo Solinas, 32 years old, is the winner of the seventh edition of the Nino Carrus award, established by the association of the same name in 2011, with the theme "Present and future of the internal areas of Sardinia: resist or think about developing a new existence? " . The young man presented a paper entitled "Local empowerment and social regeneration: the case of the Mussura Community cooperative in Seneghe, Sardinia".

«An honor - says the young man - because the local development of the internal areas is addressed in a serious manner, which is also a crucial issue for the future of Sardinia».

The second prize was awarded to the essay "Digital Island: a regional platform for the management of housing policies in Sardinia", created by Angelo Giuseppe Pisanu, 36 years old from Sindia. The "Municipality of Borore" prize was awarded to the work "L'Ogliastra da qui oni", created by Giulia Olianas from Elini and Matteo Deidda from Villacidro. Thirteen papers on which the judging commission was able to work.

«Not with little difficulty - explains Sandro Biccai, secretary of the commission and member of the association's board of directors - for the validity of the documents themselves. In the end there was a unanimous decision, identifying three papers that we considered most relevant to the theme proposed by the association."

Rosanna Carboni, president of the association, adds: «The participation of young people in the award is important, which aims to make a concrete contribution to highly topical and vitally important issues, such as local development, territorial promotion and political and social commitment to the benefit of small communities."

Important, therefore, is the work carried out by the judging commission, nominated by the Association, chosen from among young professionals from the area, experts in local development, composed of the president Claudia Sedda, director of the Gal rural district Barbagia-Mandrolisai-Gennargentu, by Carlo Pala, political scientist of the University of Sassari and by Claudia Licheri, animator of Gal Sinis, with secretary Sandro Biccai.

The board approved the commission's proposal to dedicate the second prize to the memory of Manuela Porcu, second place in the 2019 edition, who died prematurely two years ago. The mayor of Borore, Tore Ghisu, the president of the Union of Municipalities Franco Scanu, as well as the mayors of Silanus and Gavoi and several municipal administrators, representatives of various associations, as well as the minority municipal councilor of Macomer, attended the event. Luca Pirisi.

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