Oumou Sangaré, Archie Shepp, Avishai Cohen, Mathias Eick, Tosca, Gegè Telesforo, Joe Barbieri and Stefano Di Battista. And, of course, Paolo Fresu and his trumpet.

All the colors of music (but not only) come together this year at Time in Jazz. Presented today in Bologna, from the stage of "Il Cassero" Lgbti + Center, the Arcigay territorial committee of the Emilian capital, the 35th edition focuses on the rainbow. "Rainbow" is in fact the title of this year's festival, which will take place from 7 to 16 August between Berchidda and 15 other centers in Northern Sardinia and which the host Fresu illustrated together with a series of guests, including the director Gianfranco Cabiddu, who signed the documentary film on the 35 years of Time in jazz, and the historical activist for LGBT rights Franco Grillini: with them on the stage of "Il Cassero" also Oderso Rubini representing the Department of Culture of Emilia Romagna.

“The 'Rainbow' theme represents peace and diversity at a time when they are shockingly topical,” explained Fresu before illustrating the calendar of events. Great protagonists are the concerts, during the day in the sites of historical, archaeological and social interest in the area - the spectacle of Agnata, the homage to Fabrizio De André entrusted this year to Tosca and scheduled for 9 August - and in the evening in Piazza del Popolo in Berchidda, plus a series of collateral events, as part of (among others) Time to Children, Time to Read and the Festivalbar.

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