«Every day, each of us, on social media, has to deal with beauty models, wrong messages, comments that are simply no longer tolerable. I know what it means: I had to do, despite myself, a great deal of awareness work on myself, a work that never ends and is made up of many small steps. And it's not just me. I have always been struck by how many people have shared this same discomfort with me, and those who have visibility, those who expose themselves on social media every day, I believe also have a responsibility to ensure that a new path can finally be traced."

Aurora Ramazzotti, who is the godmother of the initiative, said this on the occasion of the presentation of the Il Costo della Bellezza campaign.

«Becoming parents - adds the daughter of Michelle Hunziker and Eros Ramazzotti - a change of perspective occurs: before everything I did or experienced was connected to me as a person, now it is more a projection to the future and to what I might experience in a later moment son. As a parent, even if at the beginning, I am a little scared of the effect that social media can have, especially on growth and on the way of relating to other people and to oneself. There is a responsibility that comes with parenting to help your child approach this world."

The “The cost of beauty” campaign is promoted by Dove, Cittadinanzattiva and Social Warning - Movimento Etico Digitale. It is associated with a petition which asks that within the Educational Offer Plans of primary and secondary schools, an educational path on the conscious use of social media be provided, giving full implementation of law 92 of 2019 on civic education in schools .


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