A deep bond between the artist Pina Monne and the community of Desulo , further strengthened after the disappearance of her partner Christian, which occurred in a tragic accident in July 2020.

In those days, the muralist from Irgoli was working on some works near the parish church of Sant'Antonio Abate, when she was reached by the tragic news. The population, also emotionally affected, gathered around her in common mourning.

Gestures of the heart, never forgotten by the artist who now sees the new ceramic work "Homage to Desulo" exhibited at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Atzara. Specifically, a little woman in traditional dress that depicts the hug given by the community in those dark days.

“Desulo and the Desulesi are part of me – says the artist – a tribute that started from the heart without forgetting all the love and brotherhood received. I will never forget the gift of the characteristic costume cap, sewn for me by an old woman. As well as many other manifestations of affection ».

And even when touring the country, the reference to Monne's works is great: from the wall installations, through the gifts given to local businesses, which proudly display a ceramic chestnut immersed in the colors of the traditional dress.

In the last few hours, the news of the new installation at Mama di Atzara has been greeted with enthusiasm on social media , with comments and shares applauding the initiative. An eagerly awaited return to Desulo for the artist is also on the horizon, with new projects for the autumn.

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