In the new headquarters in Viale Aldo Moro, in Olbia, the presentation of the Gallura candidates of Alleanza Sardegna (with the Italian Liberal Party), running with the centre-right for the government of the Region. «Liberal, democratic and also Sardinian movement», underlined the founder, the outgoing regional councilor Giovanni Satta, founder, together with Pietro Moro and Franco Mula, of the political entity born from an offshoot of the Psd'Az.

The meeting introduced by the analysis of the last legislature. «In these five years there has sometimes been a lack of competence - said Satta - especially in the top roles of important bodies and some departments. But there have also been some great successes for which credit must be given to the current council, first of all having closed the negotiation with the Government on the "revenue dispute". On transport, healthcare, infrastructures, such as the blocked road in Monte Pino, many more things could have been done but equally those achieved such as the baby bonus, non-repayable contributions for activities or house renovation, in the municipalities under 5000 inhabitants, and the law that has unblocked the turnover of Forestas with the current 1300 jobs that will be assigned". Remember, then, some territorial disputes that have never been resolved, such as that of Air Italy, in a Gallura which, despite some difficulties, remains the driving force of the island's economy.

Six candidates: with Giovanni Satta, the entrepreneur and former city councilor Rosella Addis, Luigi Presenti, director of General Surgery and director of the acute pathology department of the Giovanni Paolo II, Efisio Napolano, construction engineer, Battistina Pittui, head of the nursing service of Tempio Hospital, Francesca Demontis, veterinarian. Everyone declared themselves enthusiastic about embarking on this adventure, guaranteeing, at the same time, seriousness, commitment and determination. For some, a real political debut.

«I appreciated the sensitivity of the group that asked me to enter this competition because even to talk about healthcare you need to have skills and knowledge – said Luigi Presenti -. Above all, we need to report the truth; because our healthcare is not in shambles but today the concept of illness has expanded dramatically and services are not always able to respond to this question. We need to truly strengthen the territory to provide assistance to chronic patients, we need to find funds and give the local health authorities greater strength and autonomy."

In conclusion Giovanni Satta wanted to underline the party's support for Paolo Truzzu. «A very respectable and highly capable person, with clear ideas – he said – I believe that we will be able to do well with him knowing his ability to listen».

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