" This challenge honors me , Cagliari is my city and we will work so that it can overcome the difficulties that exist ." Thus Alessandra Zedda at the presentation of her candidacy for mayor of the capital . But first an appeal to the Psd'Az, the only center-right force that does not support it: "The dialectic may be tough but we hope that there can be a united and cohesive coalition immediately." The former vice president of the Region, now very close to Matteo Salvini's League, explains that to administer «the maximum commitment and maximum passion for the territory, the citizens, the commercial activities, the social world and all the components of our community".

Cagliari, he recalled, "is the front of a metropolitan city, the objective is that there are ideal conditions for well-being and growth, this is of interest to citizens". Today, "I am aware of the problems, in any case when you receive an inheritance you must accept every content, giving it the maximum value." The center-right lost in the regional elections because mayor Truzzu was rejected by the people of Cagliari. How to recover those who did not support the leaver? «We need to recover immediately by convincing the citizens that the center-right is still the best force , and I hope that the Psd'Az accepts our appeal, because we want to take care of the people of Cagliari ». Zedda, a historical exponent of Forza Italia, has only recently approached the League. Will the citizens understand? «My presence here today with the coalition is my response. My approach to the League is out of conviction, the passing of Silvio Berlusconi today made me make different decisions, but I have always presented myself as an exponent first and foremost of the centre-right. In any case: citizens come first, political strategies come later. And I remember that we have been together since 1994." On the possibility of dealing with Giuseppe Farris, a civic candidate who is certainly not centre-left: «Our doors are open to the contribution of those who share our proposals. Today the perimeter of the coalition is however defined. Farris has every right to participate in any capacity in the electoral competition. He is a person of great competence."

By not running for the regional elections, it seemed that Zedda might exit active politics: "I had made other choices, but I couldn't refuse the proposal of a coalition convinced of such an important job for my city." Finally, on the Cagliari stadium: «I consider all sports facilities to be essential services for the well-being of cities. I am a fan of Cagliari which is our team. Having a team playing at the highest level in a decent stadium is an added value for the city and beyond."

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