Davide Ledda , 10 years old, attending the fifth class of primary school and Daniele Scintu , 7 years old, a second year student, are the first two very young students protagonists of the "Librarian for a day" project, which began in recent weeks at the Ales library.

The initiative was welcomed with great enthusiasm by many other children, who immediately signed up to live this similar experience in 2024 too.

«The project - highlights the manager Rita Minnei - is aimed at children in primary school, considering that the municipal library has always paid particular attention to the promotion of reading, especially among children, future readers. This - adds Minnei -, not only with the activities in the library, but also through the constant collaboration that exists with schools of all levels".

Davide Ledda talks with pleasure about his rewarding and teaching-filled day as a librarian. « The experience was very engaging and constructive – he says – which helped me discover the secrets of the library. For example, how to classify books by topic using a single number. I have made loans and returns and also inter-librarian loan requests. It's one of the best things I've done – concludes Davide – and I can't wait to have the chance to repeat this magnificent opportunity again."

It goes without saying that the presence of the children meant that on Saturday morning the library was busier than usual because, to observe how the students were doing their homework, family members, relatives and friends also arrived and took the opportunity to ask a book on loan.

The two operators of the library managed not only by the manager Rita Minnei but also by Marianna Murroni were obviously satisfied with the enormous interest aroused. «On Saturday mornings the children don't go to school – underlines Minnei – and so we decided to dedicate the morning to them, with readings and workshops. The month of December was dedicated to Christmas stories and workshops for making Christmas decorations."

However, this is only one of the many initiatives aimed at children promoted by the municipal library, which since 2021 has been managed by the "ArchiMusTeca" cooperative, which in Ales also manages other important cultural realities of the town such as the Museum and the Diocesan Historical Archive .

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