"Dear Union,

it is called territorial continuity, it is what should guarantee residents in Sardinia to have a reduction in the cost of tickets and guaranteed services even when there are few passengers. To access it, there is a competition between the carriers that includes one or two winners: whoever wins imposes rates and frequencies between Cagliari, Olbia, Alghero and the mainland.

What occurs, however, is a reality made up of blocked bookings, airlines appealing for not having been chosen, exasperated travelers and tour operators in uncertainty.

It is in fact how absurd and damaging to the economic interests of those who offer and receive the service, as well as those (State) who pay to make Sardinians feel not discriminated against compared to other Italians.

So why not abolish the monopoly / duopoly and enter the market?

There is the method they use in Portugal, where the state reimburses passengers directly and does not intervene on carriers, which compete with each other with the fares and frequencies of a competitive and non-monopoly market. So why not apply it to us too?

Thanks for your attention".

AM - Cagliari


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