Agriculture councilor Gianfranco Satta is off to a good start as he met with the trade associations today: «We have identified a working method which will be concertation on all emergency problems : from delays in payments to the possibility of reorganizing the agencies that gravitate in agriculture, at the table on the CAP to recover resources for sheep and goats".

In addition to this, « we must also have a strategic vision of the future of agriculture and we will do this together with all the players in the sector, starting from the associations. Other meetings will follow where politics will be involved, in particular the Regional Council, to bring the necessary reforms expected by farmers."


Satisfaction also on the part of Coldiretti. «We are happy with the openness and commitments made by the councilor», said the president Battista Cualbu, «we must proceed with the reform of the institutions, strengthen the department, streamline the bureaucracy which has become the cancer of agriculture. The conditions are there. If the method is that of discussion and listening, we will be available to help the agri-food sector in Sardinia grow as a system."


Also at the table were representatives of Cia, Confagricoltura, Copagri, Agci, Confcooperative, Legacoop, Uecoop, Liberi Agricoltori Sardegna, Unci Agroalimentare, Unicoop, Uci, Confapi.

"A first discussion and listening table - Satta defined it before starting - what I will propose to the associations is a pact for well-being in agriculture starting from the main emergencies ". Which? «The dues to the sector, therefore the delays in payments , a reform of the agencies, starting from the professionalism we have internally». In any case, " the objective is also to renegotiate the CAP with respect to the problems raised by regional policy and which concern the reduction of resources".

According to Satta, it is then necessary to streamline bureaucracy and give farmers the opportunity to take care of production rather than tasks." In the next few days he will meet a representation of shepherds: «I am convinced of the need to involve all the players in the sector».


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