Stop energy production for an entire day: from 11pm yesterday to 11pm today, Enel's Grazia Deledda power plant stopped due to the national strike . The national strike platform merges with local emergencies.

«The power plant shutdown plans - says Francesco Garau, regional secretary of Filctem Cgil - do not correspond to a concrete alternative for the workers. There is absolute uncertainty about the fate of the workers after the shutdown." The storage batteries that arrived in Portovesme a few weeks ago are not a solution for workers.

"The new management of Enel has clearly said that there is no reconversion plan for Portovesme - says Pierluigi Loi, Uiltec regional secretary - the only project is the batteries project which however has no employment implications".

The workers remained in garrison in front of the power plant from 8am to 2pm. «The time has come for action, to all go united in the same direction - says Giorgio Caleresu, secretary of Flaei Cisl - with the primary objective of safeguarding jobs. In this area we have the advantage of the funds from the Just Transition Fund, it will be essential to translate them into jobs for the transition."

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