部长理事会主席向撒丁岛地区理事会通报了最近被判敲诈勒索罪的议员 Antonello Peru 的停职通知。

根据 Severino 法律,UDC-Sardinia 在该中心的代表将不得不在撒丁岛议会之外停留 18 个月,并在立法机关任期不久后重返议会席位。 He will be replaced by Marco Tedde (Forza Italia), the first of the non-elected in 2019 in the list of FI, Sassari district, former councilor in the past legislature and former mayor of Alghero.

The installation of Tedde will take place only after the meeting of the elections council charged with formally identifying the first of the non-elected in the constituency of Peru.相反,宣誓将在区域委员会的下一次会议中进行。

(联合在线/ ss)

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