
The 400 elected in Montecitorio are now official, after the central office of the Cassation has defined the list of elected representatives with the proportional at the end of complex calculations on the percentages collected by individual parties and on the rest .

撒丁岛有一个惊喜,那就是苏珊娜·切尔奇在内政部重新计票后,五角星似乎已经“吹响” ,这引发了伦巴第学院的博西选举,并产生了连锁反应。亚历山德拉·托德( Alessandra Todde)在伦巴第未举行选举,因此由于撒丁岛人的投票而进入议会并损害了切尔基(Cherchi)。

The calculations of the Supreme Court have instead overturned the outcome: Todde was elected in Lombardy , triggering the seat also for the Cherchi.

因此,这些是撒丁岛选出的 11 名代表。中右翼将达里奥·贾戈尼(Lega)、萨尔瓦多·迪达( Salvatore Deidda)、弗朗切斯科·穆拉(Francesco Mura)、芭芭拉·波罗(Barbara Polo)、詹尼·兰皮斯(Gianni Lampis )(FdI)、乌戈·卡佩拉奇( Ugo Cappellacci)和彼得罗·皮塔利斯(Pietro Pittalis)(意大利极限竞速)带到蒙特西托里奥。

中左翼民选官员是民主党的Silvio Lai和绿左联盟的Francesca Ghirra ,后者从 Romina Mura 手中“抢走”了席位。

M5s 将Emiliano Fenu 和Susanna Cherchi带到了会议厅。

(联合在线 / L)

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