The VII national congress of FASI, the Federation of Sardinian Associations in Italy, opens today in Milan, in the Milanofiori congress center in Assago (at 5 pm).

On the program, in the three days of appointments on the theme “Su nou e su connotu. The strength of the new and the value of experience to orient oneself in the future ”, a packed calendar of meetings with institutional guests and exponents of society, culture and the economy. Among the participants, in compliance with the anti Covid rules, there are about 350 delegates representing the 70 clubs, operating in 11 regions of Italy and in 45 provinces, to which 33 thousand Sardinians adhere.

"Our goal - explains President Serafina Mascia, who will open the meeting - is to strengthen the clubs, our networks of collaboration and volunteering, for an increasingly incisive presence in support of our island and for its development, in a renewed relationship with the Sardinian region: we want to hoard the unique and special heritage of our history and our identity in the encounter with the new realities and contents of emigration, also through new forms of aggregation and participation, making positive use of the hard test of the emergency pandemic, not yet over ”.

THE PROGRAM - In the afternoon today, after the statutory obligations and after the report by Serafina Mascia, institutional greetings are expected with the interventions of Alessandra Zedda, vice president of the Sardinia Region and regional councilor for Labor, with delegation to emigration, who will follow the works for the entire duration of the congress; Arianna Censi, Milan City Councilor for Mobility, representing the Mayor Giuseppe Sala; Michele Cossa, president of the Special Insularity Commission of the Sardinian Regional Council; Giorgio Macciotta, president of “Casa Gramsci” of Ghilarza; Roberto Mura, regional councilor of Lombardy and Elvira Serra, journalist and writer, member of the ministerial committee for the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Grazia Deledda.

After the congressional debate, appointment at 7.30 pm with the inauguration of the exhibition “Io apro all'Unesco”. At 9.30 pm, after the greeting of Leonardo Marras, president of the Maria Carta Foundation, there will be a show of traditional Sardinian songs and music conducted by Giacomo Serreli with the tenor group "Su populu sardu" by Oliena and the fantafolk duo with Andrea Pisu with launeddas and Vanni Masala with accordion. The screening of the films “No Potho Reposare” and “Freemmos” will follow.

SATURDAY - Work will resume on Saturday morning at 9 with the congress debate. At 10 am the intervention of the Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Alessandra Todde, is expected. At 12.30 Alessandra Zedda will speak.

In the afternoon another special appointment, at 2.45 pm, with the inauguration of the exhibition “No photo reposare” curated by Mattia Lilliu. The congressional debate and the meeting of the Women and Youth delegations are also planned. At 5.30 pm there will be the “Sarda Tellus” seminar on the promotion of quality Sardinian products, with the participation of Bastianino Mossa, FASI executive; Alberto Manca, Chamber of Deputies agriculture commission; Battista Cualbu, president of Coldiretti Sardinia; Gianni Maoddi, president of the Consortium for the protection of Roman pecorino; Bachisio Orritos, “Sa Costera” social dairy; Leonardo Tilocca, mayor of Burgos; Daniele Arca, mayor of Bultei; Monica Viani, Journalisme Presse, “” magazine and Salvatore Carvone, Cibus Srl.

SUNDAY - The work will continue on Sunday 12 from 9 again with the congress debate: speeches by the president of the regional council Michele Pais and senator Gianni Marilotti are foreseen. The closing is at 15 with the proclamation of the elect.

(Unioneonline / vl)


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