Hit by the tractor while working on land he owned. The accident happened yesterday evening, Tuesday 14 May, in Villanova Monteleone, in the Funtanas area on Paradisu, where the owner, a 50-year-old, was busy plowing the fields near a terrace, when the tractor overturned.

Only after a few minutes did the man, who was stuck, manage to raise the alarm, thanks to a neighbor who, upon hearing his screams, immediately called for help.

The firefighters of the Alghero detachment intervened on site at 9.30 pm and, once the agricultural vehicle had been made safe, they freed the tractor driver who was seriously injured. It was the 118 operators who transferred the man to the civil hospital in Sassari where he is hospitalized. The doctors found a fractured femur and several injuries. His condition is serious but his life is not in danger.

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