A path with wooden platforms now disconnected, with constant dangers and the impossibility of walking it in complete relaxation. The state of degradation continues to advance along the entire pedestrian path of the Ceas - Environmental and Sustainability Education Center - in the Municipality of Sorso, which has now become impassable and in some places dangerous.

A path created with wooden platforms and handrails, almost four kilometers long, which runs alongside the pond and the juniper grove of Platamona, a special conservation area (ZSC), and the contiguous area between provincial roads 81 and 60 and the Agliadò local road . Nowadays, for those who decide to go jogging or just take a walk in an extraordinary corner of nature, it has become complicated.

There is a risk of tripping and getting hurt, the walk is not easy due to the presence of vegetation that emerges on the sides and on the platform, a sort of obstacle course especially for children who underestimate unexpected events and risks. Many platforms are now uprooted and unsafe and iron grates are putting people's safety at risk, along with potholes and holes along the entire passage . A sign warns of dangers. Ordinary maintenance, evidently, does not go through that route and neither does landscaping.

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