They are all there, side by side, with their traditional clothes and precious jewels : they are the men and women of Sardinia who take part in the May Day parade and procession every year. The drawings are those of Mara Damiani , while the cover is that of the notebook on newsstands with L'Unione Sarda from Monday 29 April to 6 May (3.50 euros plus the price of the newspaper), which celebrates the island's devotion to the saint martyr. The initiative will also be accompanied by a second artistic project that the artist will share with the publishing group: a special installation in the windows of La Rinascente.

«I wanted to highlight – explains Damiani – the feeling of devotees who wear clothes that express identity and belonging. It is an act of love that represents the deepest sense of homage to the Saint." The collaboration with L'Unione Sarda will be staged, starting from April 30, in four windows of the historic department store in via Roma.

There will be four contexts to celebrate Efis Gloriosu. In three showcases the artist talks about his Sant'Efisio who manifests himself in some symbols of the May rite (the confraternal cross, the golden fleece, the silver maces) and the colors that enrich a scenography that has been like this for centuries , the result of the talent of an invisible director. In another space, the homage to the warrior martyr will be expressed through the activities of the media leaders who cover the procession every year. The curious will be able to admire the suggestive historical images of Videolina (live since 1976), the highly original dress with embroidery made from the pages of L'Unione Sarda, which since the end of the nineteenth century describes one of the most loved festivals, and the equipment that in over the years they have given voice to Radiolina.


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