She had relied on the internet by reporting on social media the misfortune experienced by her grandmother, Giuseppa Deiana, an 85-year-old from Nuoro, who fractured her femur on Saturday and remained waiting in the emergency room of San Francesco di Nuoro for over 32 hours.

«The closure of orthopedics is a real disaster - says Laura Zanzu - with patients forced to stay in the hallways of the emergency room. I attempted to speak to the medical director, but was turned away because he was busy with other matters. I had no choice but to resort to the police and a solution was reached in the evening."

That is, the transfer of the elderly woman to the Marino hospital in Alghero, which only took place at 5.30 pm yesterday.

«The only positive note – he adds – is knowing that my grandmother will have surgery tomorrow. He had to face a long journey, which was only made possible when the only ambulance available returned from Ozieri." He does not fail to announce "measures to avoid certain inhumane cases".

The replies from the Director of ASL 3 Paolo Cannas were not long in coming : «We found ourselves managing 3 other situations similar to that of Mrs. Deiana. We are sorry and apologize for the inconvenience caused, but unfortunately it was not our fault. We had to wait for beds to become available in other hospitals."

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