Collective dismissal begins at Portovesme Srl: the first 40 direct employees are out.

After a few months of apparent calm (following the mobilization for the closure of the lead line and for the halving of the zinc line) and after the wait (so far in vain) for the new plan that should design the future of the Portovesme plant, a letter dated 10 May 2024 and sent to trade unions, the Region, employment offices and Confindustria, informs that the collective dismissal procedure has been started at Portovesme srl for the production units of Portovesme and San Gavino.

In the long letter the company explains the reasons for this decision , linked to the crisis and the sharp increase in the cost of energy and underlines that today " the company appears oversized compared to the actual operating regime of the plants".
All the details on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands, on the app and on the digital edition of the newspaper.
Stefania Piredda

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