The "Ecological Day" is scheduled for Sunday 5 May in Morgongiori. It is one of the first initiatives organized by the newly formed Pro loco of the town, chaired by Costantino Statzu, in collaboration with the municipal administration.

For the occasion, citizens will be engaged in cleaning some areas of Morgongiori, with the aim of making the area more welcoming and livable. Not just a civic gesture, but it will also be an opportunity to be together, socialize and create a community in the small town on Monte Arci.

The program includes a meeting at 9am in Piazza Giovanni XXIII. At 9.15 the cleaning material (gloves and bags) will be delivered to the participants. This will be followed by the division into various groups, which will deal with different areas. At the end of the morning, around 1pm, a collective packed lunch in the "Is Benas" pine forest, provided by the Pro loco.

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