From Sardinia to France , to carry the Olympic torch .

Thank you emotion for Massimo Cossu , Community leader for Sardinia of Airbnb and selected by the famous portal , among the sponsors of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, as torchbearer .

«Yesterday I was not only the only Sardinian but also the only Italian , in a group of 60 torchbearers, who had the honor and responsibility of bringing the Olympic Flame to the city of Toulon , on the French Riviera», he tells UnioneSarda .it. «A great pride for me – he adds – selected according to the same values required of athletes to participate in the Olympics: honesty, ethics, competence and passion ».

« Ten/twelve minutes of adrenaline – he continues – and an unprecedented experience starting from getting dressed, then preparing and waiting for the relay. When it's your time everyone looks at you, everyone says hello. They salute the Olympic flame. They greet the torchbearer. You are there, inside a blender of emotions, just enough time to realize and you get to the other relay... and the Flame continues its journey without interruption."

For Massimo, 50 years old in July, originally from Bonorva but busy for work between Cagliari and Milan , an unforgettable experience, «in a sober, heartfelt, unique ceremony. Made up of common people, athletes, safety, passion for sport and aggregation."


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