The former vice-president of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics Speranza Falciano, the former Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti , the clarinet master
Ivana Mauri, currently first clarinet of the Teatro Lirico of Cagliari. Three women, three excellences who have carried out and are carrying out their profession and mission at high levels: they will be the protagonists on stage of the event "Female Symphony: Notes of Excellence in Science, Politics and Art" which will be held on 18 May, starting at 10.30am, at the Carmen Melis theater in via Sant'Alenixedda, in Cagliari.

The initiative aimed at students, former students and their families, was organized by the Don Bosco Salesian Institute, as part of the 2024 Sustainable Development Festival. "The educational challenge on our part for our children is continuous", explains Don Francesco De Ruvo, manager of the Don Bosco Salesian Institute and the Lieta Infant School, «for this reason we considered it important for them to have a discussion with three women who will be able to make them understand that constant commitment is necessary to be able to achieve the best and achieve results increasingly important."

«It seems important to us», he further underlines, «to be able to compare ourselves with those who have spent time, study and training in different fields for the growth of society with a view to applying what we felt for a greater commitment to active citizenship for Cagliari, for Sardinia and for your country."

The meeting, which will be led and moderated by Benedetta Rinaldi, has already been registered as one of the events at national level within the Festival program and will place, we read in a note, «sustainable development objectives at the centre, linking them to the great challenges of innovation, of the economic, social and environmental scenario, as well as geopolitical issues, the inequalities between countries and within countries, with the aim of making them close and interesting".


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