«The Maria Pia cycle path is not dangerous , it is a modern work created in compliance with the regulations ». The Porto Conte Park responds to the accusations of the 5 Star Movement which, with the city councilors Maria Antonietta Alivesi and Giusy Di Maio, had thrown shadows on the project of the new route dedicated to two wheels, considering it to have a great environmental impact and even dangerous for cyclists .

«More unjustified and unfounded attacks on the Park's initiatives. The cycle path for which the design modification is requested has already been built in compliance with the relevant regulations after having been duly authorized in a services conference in compliance with all the requirements dictated among others by the Regional Department responsible for the regional cycle network and in close connection with the municipal administration", says Adriano Grossi, member of the Board of Directors of the Porto Conte Park .

The path that is being completed along Via Emilia, built by the Park with funding from the metropolitan network, connects the final stretch of the cycle path of Via Lido with Viale Burruni. « An interconnection awaited for decades, which will also allow cycling citizens to easily reach the Maria Pia sports area », insists Grossi, underlining that «unlike what is stated by those who continue to criticize the Park for bias , the at-grade intersections present are well signposted with horizontal and vertical signs in accordance with the highway code. At the crossings of Viale Burruni and Viale Primo Maggio there are even swinging lights to indicate the passage of cyclists, operational day and night and equipped with photovoltaic panels. Among other things, the internal intersections in Maria Pia have a low level of danger because there is little traffic and a reduced speed limit ."

Adriano Grossi therefore says he is sorry to note «how the initiatives promoted by the Park continue to be dogged, raising and insinuating doubts on the legitimacy and correctness of the intervention (and on the professionalism of the Park structure and the technicians in charge) which is also authorized by the relevant bodies. It is enough to delve deeper into the project and what has already been implemented to realize that the criticisms are baseless."

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