
La manifestazione nazionale di Cgil, Cisl e Uil per celebrare il Primo maggio (foto Ansa)
La manifestazione nazionale di Cgil, Cisl e Uil per celebrare il Primo maggio (foto Ansa)
The demonstration

May 1st, unions in the streets: «Stop the trail of blood at work»

In Monfalcone the leaders of CGIL, CISL and UIL: «Priority to health and safety, we need a pact»
Ambulanza (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
Ambulanza (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
The accident

Milk truck crashes into tractor, 69-year-old farmer dies

The man was thrown from the vehicle, which overturned and crushed him
Polizia (foto Ansa)
Polizia (foto Ansa)

Robbers break into the house and try to gag the owner, she bites them away

The thieves managed to escape taking with them only some gold jewellery
Ospedale Bufalini a Cesena (foto da sito web ufficiale)
Ospedale Bufalini a Cesena (foto da sito web ufficiale)
The aggression

He hits his wife with the hammer, then bites her ear off and runs away: wanted

The shocking episode in Cesenate, the man risks being accused of attempted murder
Andrea Chessa (Foto Quisza - Wikipedia)
Andrea Chessa (Foto Quisza - Wikipedia)

Jockey Andrea Chessa falls from his horse during training for the Palio

The 40-year-old, originally from Orosei, hospitalized with a reserved prognosis
Uno stabilimento (Archivio L'Unione Sarda)
Uno stabilimento (Archivio L'Unione Sarda)
the sentence

The Council of State: «Stop exemptions on beach concessions, new tenders immediately»

The verdict after the appeal of the owner of a Ligurian factory: «The Municipalities must disapply the extensions decided by the government and start the procedures for assignments in a competitive context»
In piazza Unità d'Italia a Novellara un omaggio a Saman realizzato dal gruppo Fuorifuoco, 26 marzo 2024. ANSA/TOMMASO ROMANIN
In piazza Unità d'Italia a Novellara un omaggio a Saman realizzato dal gruppo Fuorifuoco, 26 marzo 2024. ANSA/TOMMASO ROMANIN
Reggio Emilia

Saman was not killed for rejecting the arranged marriage: "It could have been the mother"

The reasons for the sentence on the murder of the 18 year old, that's why her parents decided to kill her

Wine in the bottle, four month old baby in intensive care

The alcoholic substance used to dilute the powdered milk, the little one went into an ethyl coma
Il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella con Marina Elvira Calderone, Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali,nello stabilimento GIAS, in occasione della visita al sistema agroalimentare del distretto del cosentino per le celebrazione della Festa del Lavoro (foto di Francesco Ammendola - Ufficio per la Stampa e la Comunicazione della Presidenza della Repubblica)
Il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella con Marina Elvira Calderone, Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali,nello stabilimento GIAS, in occasione della visita al sistema agroalimentare del distretto del cosentino per le celebrazione della Festa del Lavoro (foto di Francesco Ammendola - Ufficio per la Stampa e la Comunicazione della Presidenza della Repubblica)
first of May

Mattarella: «Work is not a commodity. Enough gangmastering and white deaths"

«A thousand victims in one year represents a tragedy, an unacceptable decline»
Gianfranco Fini, con i suoi avvocati Michele Sarno e Francesco Caroleo Grimaldi, durante la sentenza del processo sulla compravendita della casa a Montecarlo, presso il tribunale di Roma, Roma, 30 aprile 2024. ANSA/ANGELO CARCONI
Gianfranco Fini, con i suoi avvocati Michele Sarno e Francesco Caroleo Grimaldi, durante la sentenza del processo sulla compravendita della casa a Montecarlo, presso il tribunale di Roma, Roma, 30 aprile 2024. ANSA/ANGELO CARCONI
the sentence

House of Monte Carlo: Fini sentenced to 2 years and 8 months, 5 years for Elisabetta Tulliani

6-year sentence for brother-in-law Giancarlo Tulliani, the comment of the former president of the Chamber: "It is not clear to me what the crime consists of"
Piero Fassino (foto Ansa)
Piero Fassino (foto Ansa)
The case

Fassino and duty free perfume, six witnesses against him: «At least three episodes in a month»

The magistrates of Civitavecchia could enter the name of the deputy in the register of suspects
Giorgia Meloni (foto Ansa)
Giorgia Meloni (foto Ansa)

Salaries, 100 euro bonus coming soon: who is entitled to it and when

Relief for two years for the hiring of young people, women and disadvantaged workers
Graziano Mesina (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
Graziano Mesina (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
The former Scarlet Pimpernel

Graziano Mesina, off to Milan for the medical assessment

If the tests were to confirm a picture of senile dementia, "Grazianeddu" could serve the remaining sentence in the Orgosolo house
Un ristorante (Ansa)
Un ristorante (Ansa)

Drinks detergent instead of wine at the restaurant, woman in serious condition

The owner allegedly brought a bottle of dishwasher liquid to the table. She is under investigation for negligent injury
Bebe Vio (foto Ansa)
Bebe Vio (foto Ansa)
The reply

Bebe Vio responds to Vannacci: «Separate classes for disabled people? Together we grow more"

«Italy was the first country in the world to eliminate them, why go back? It's paradoxical to even think about it."
Primavera al Poetto (foto Ungari)
Primavera al Poetto (foto Ungari)

Spring and unstable weather: from 30 degrees in Sardinia to new disturbances

When it seemed that the weather had stabilized, more storms appeared
Carabinieri (Ansa)
Carabinieri (Ansa)

He hammers his ex's new boyfriend, who is arrested

The attack occurred on the street, the injured person is in serious condition
Fabio Fazio e Franco Di Mare
Fabio Fazio e Franco Di Mare
the revelation

Di Mare: «I have a very bad tumor, no one in Rai answers me: it's repugnant»

The journalist talks about the disease: «I got mesothelioma, linked to the presence of asbestos in the air»
Il pronto soccorso del Santa Maria Goretti a Latina (Ansa)
Il pronto soccorso del Santa Maria Goretti a Latina (Ansa)

Brawl and shooting in the street: a girl injured by mistake

The young woman was sitting in a bar in Sezze, where two groups of foreigners started a fight, culminating in a gunshot
Andrea Giambruno (Ansa)
Andrea Giambruno (Ansa)
the investigation

Two men approach the car of Giambruno, Giorgia Meloni's ex, in the night: who were they?

This was revealed by the newspaper Domani. The PM, Interior Ministry and police leaders were informed of the episode
Veduta del Nuraghe di Barumini, sullo sfondo il paesaggio nuragico oggetto della devastazione agrivoltaica e il Castello di Las Plassas; sotto la mappa del progetto e la simulazione virtuale (L'Unione Sarda)
Veduta del Nuraghe di Barumini, sullo sfondo il paesaggio nuragico oggetto della devastazione agrivoltaica e il Castello di Las Plassas; sotto la mappa del progetto e la simulazione virtuale (L'Unione Sarda)

Su Nuraxi ruling, alarm for the whole island

The Nuraghe “Turriga” 230 meters from the authorized photovoltaic area. Delays in the "protection" of the archaeological site