Pressure in the Vatican on alleged supernatural phenomena, including apparitions. The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued a document, countersigned by Pope Francis, in which it narrows and almost cancels the field of the "supernaturality" of phenomena. Neither the local bishop nor the Vatican will be able to issue "a declaration regarding the supernaturality of the phenomenon", that is, "the possibility of affirming with moral certainty that it comes from a decision of God". At most there could be "the granting of a Nihil obstat". The declaration of supernaturality belongs only to the Pope and "in a completely exceptional way".

Another aspect of the new rules, which change the 1978 rules, is that the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith takes on greater responsibility. «On the one hand, it remains clear that discernment is the task of the diocesan Bishop. On the other hand, having to recognize that, today more than ever, these phenomena involve many people who belong to other Dioceses and are rapidly spreading in different regions and countries, the new Norms establish that the Dicastery must be consulted and always intervene to give an final approval of what was decided by the Bishop , before the latter makes a public determination on an event of presumed supernatural origin".

Until today the decision, even the first one entrusted to the local bishop, was between two options: "constat de non supernaturalitate" or "constat de supernaturalitate". But since 1950, with this possibility of restricted choice, «they have no longer been officially resolved of six cases, even if the phenomena have grown".

From today the possible pronouncements of the Church on alleged apparitions or alleged supernatural phenomena become six, therefore with different nuances : "Nihil obstat", no impediment, "Prae oculis habeatur", confusion and risks, "Curatur", significant critical elements, " Sub mandato", which expresses doubts about people who make improper use of the phenomenon, "Prohibetur et obstruatur", critical issues and serious risks, "Declaratio de non supernaturalitate", which declares non-supernaturality.


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