«On Thursday 11 April I went to the Capena ASL to change doctors. Around 3.20pm I left and while I was reversing out of the car park in a red Fiat Grande Punto, a black SUV-type car that had just turned from the Tiberina slowed down to let me finish the manoeuvre. As I entered the lane, the man driving the black car stared at me and brutally robbed me . I'm writing this post to ask you for help, I'm looking for him to give me back the heart that he ripped out of my chest ."

This is the social appeal launched by Valentina, a 37-year-old originally from Carbonia, but resident in Rome , in an attempt to find the unknown man she met by chance in recent days with whom, she explains, "a real love at first sight occurred".

The story is reported by Messaggero, which found the 37-year-old's post on some Facebook pages in the area. And immediately, after the publication, web users, struck by the romantic story, mobilized, starting a sort of social tam tam to help Valentina track down her mysterious "gaze thief" .


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