" We must stop this long trail of blood at work , build the conditions for a national strategy , for a great responsibility pact that brings together politics, the business system, trade unions and local powers ." Thus the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra , in the square for the trade union demonstration for May 1st in Monfalcone , remarked that "the issue of health and safety must remain the great priority to be addressed and resolved".

"We ask the government to talk about work and safety all year round", added the general secretary of Uil, Pierpaolo Bombardieri . «Always, not just on the occasion of May Day. We ask President Meloni to discuss and make the issue of safety the main theme on which the government is committed » to reduce accidents and victims at work. «Today is not a party, it is a day of mobilization. It cannot be a celebration as long as there is even one death at work", Bombardieri remarked, recalling that over a thousand deaths at work have been recorded in the last year.

The general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, instead spoke on the topic of the so-called Befana bonus, «an advert, an electoral hustler» . «It is clear to everyone that people don't make it to the end of the month, there are more than 7 million people who, despite working, are poor. To think that all this can be resolved by giving 100 euros gross in January and to a limited audience of people, I think, is an insult to common sense."


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