The main Italian squares have been closed off for the celebrations of April 25th. Checks and clean-ups have been underway since yesterday.

Over 600 men of the forces in the field in Rome alone.

In Turin, before the departure of the traditional torchlight procession organized for the liberation celebrations, there was a brawl with radical activists and the Aglietta association, and some militants from the social centers tore down Ukrainian flags and broke the Brigade's sign Jewish. Punches, pushes and kicks were thrown while Digos personnel then restored calm.

In Rome, the security plan focuses on the entire area of Porta San Paolo, a symbolic place of the Roman resistance, where today the Jewish Brigade will lay a wreath of flowers. Around two hundred people are expected, including prominent members of the community. A few meters away, Palestinian students, movements, antagonists and university collectives met for an "anti-fascist and anti-Zionist" demonstration. "Against every form of colonialism, alongside the Fedayeen who fight the Zionist occupier, for the liberation of Palestine. Now and always resistance" underlined by the Palestinian student movement, launching the mobilization.

Around two thousand participants are expected, however, in the traditional Anpi procession which starts from Largo Bompiani and arrives at Porta San Paolo, where a stage will be set up for speeches, including that of Roberto Salis, Ilaria's father. An event in which the Jewish community will not participate, as has already happened for some years.

There is also high attention in Milan where the national demonstration is as always opened by deportees and anti-fascist brigades, including the Jewish one which in recent years has almost always been the subject of protests and which, in light of the situation in Gaza, this year promises to be more massive. Behind the partisans, the "Cease fire everywhere" banner will be displayed, which has created quite a bit of controversy, then the trade unions, the political forces such as the Democratic Party present with its secretary Elly Schlein, the various associations and the Palestinian community.

The young Palestinians, however, will meet in Piazza Duomo with the intention, together with some social centers and antagonistic realities, to fill the space in which the procession ends with Palestinian flags and "kufiyye and all possible Palestinian symbols". the final rallies. The writer Antonio Scurati could also go on stage to read the monologue canceled by Rai. The plan developed by the Police Headquarters guarantees safety. A device that also takes into account the presentation, at the Institute for the Blind a few hundred meters away from the procession, of the book by the secretary of the League and the deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini.



Tension in Rome

Tension between the demonstrators of the Jewish and Pro-Palestine Brigade in Rome, at Porta San Paolo, during the celebrations for April 25th. Among the boos and insults, a few firecrackers were also thrown. Every "Free Free Palestine" of the pro-Palestine movements was followed by insults and rude gestures from the ranks of the Jewish Brigade. Cans were also thrown against pro-Palestine movements and stones against journalists. Several police cordons kept the demonstrators separate.


Mattarella places a wreath for the Unknown Soldier

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella placed a laurel wreath at the shrine of the Unknown Soldier, at the Altare della Patria, during the commemoration of April 25th. The highest institutional officials, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, the President of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana and the President of the Constitutional Court Augusto Barbera participated in the ceremony for the Liberation Day. Having placed the crown, Mattarella stopped in front of the monument to the Unknown Soldier for a moment of reflection, while the Silence was intoned. At the end, Mattarella greeted the authorities present. Unlike past years, the enormous construction site for the Rome metro in the center of Piazza Venezia prevented the presence of the public.


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