Stop the presence of the writer Antonio Scurati, who this evening on Rai3, in the episode of Che Sara, was supposed to propose a monologue on April 25th .

The presenter of the program Serena Bortone announced it with a post on Instagram , in which she explains that she learned "with dismay, and by pure chance, that Scurati's contract had been canceled without plausible explanations".

«In this evening's episode of What will be - writes Bortone on Instagram - a monologue by Antonio Scurati on April 25th was scheduled. I learned last night, with dismay, and by pure chance, that Scurati's contract had been cancelled. I can't get any plausible explanations. But first of all I owe it to Scurati, with whom I obviously just spoke on the phone, and to you viewers, the explanation of why they won't see the writer on air on my program on Raitre tonight. I couldn't get it either."

The reply

«No censorship. The participation of the writer Antonio Scurati in the program Che Sara..., hosted by Serena Bortone, has never been questioned", said the director of Rai Insights, Paolo Corsini. « I believe it is appropriate not to confuse editorial aspects with those of an economic and contractual nature , on which investigations are underway - he explains - due to higher figures than expected and other promotional aspects to be clarified connected to the relationship between the writer and other competing publishers ». «Beyond these mere bureaucratic issues – concludes Corsini – the possibility for Scurati to come on the show has never been questioned. No censorship."

The controversy

The case sparks controversy: «Rai silences Antonio Scurati in Serena Bortone's program. The writer's contract which was scheduled for today's episode of Che will be on Rai3 with a monologue on April 25th has been cancelled. In the absence of clarifications on the reason for the cancellation of the writer's intervention on the broadcast, clarifications that not even the presenter of the program manages to obtain, we can only record yet another sign of a Rai where every cultural expression unwelcome to those who govern is opposed ", the Usigrai executive underlines in a note , which «strongly raises the alarm of recent days on the suffocating control of the parties over Rai and the mobilization in defense of the public radio and television service which belongs to all citizens and not to those who govern» .

« An act of censorship , which confirms the illiberal and obscurantist vocation of this government, always hostile to the free expression of thought and ideas. Rai's top management should clarify this immediately, also because we are faced with yet another act that humiliates and weakens the company, which continues to reject and push away personalities of absolute caliber and capable of attracting a vast audience", states the Vice President in a note. of the European Parliament Pina Picierno.

«I have always been cautious in criticizing the Government on the topic of political influences on Rai, because I have seen them in place with governments of the right and left. But this, dear Giorgia Meloni, goes further - comments Carlo Calenda - Canceling the speech of a great writer for political reasons is unacceptable, unworthy. This stuff happens in Russia and cannot happen in a European country. We expect an apology and the immediate restoration of the deleted monologue. Rai is not yours. Unfortunately, we all pay for it. Get yourself a grip ."

"What happened? – asks Massimiliano Smeriglio, Avs MEP – Why isn't Antonio Scurati, a successful writer who has published many novels on the atrocities of fascism, allowed to speak on television about April 25th? If no answers are received, we will also ask the European Commission with a question ."


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